Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. 27, 2010

Key Verse:

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

(Matthew 19:26)

Central Truth:
With God all things are possible, even saving a terrible marriage.

There was a time divorce was bad. When the word was spoken it was whispered, "divorce" - sort of like "cancer." Today divorce is treated as an alternative to marriage. It is a simple "out" to an unpleasant situation. You can even start the process on the internet. I bet there is an app for that.

If divorce is not an issue with you right now, remember one thing: Divorce is not what God wants; it is a sin regardless of the situation.

In verse 6 Jesus said, "Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” The sentence ends with a period. It does not say, "let man not separate unless your are unhappy or unless your spouse is a jerk or unless your spouse has been unfaithful."

The Bible does not give an out to a bad marriage. It gives an in for another marriage, if your spouse was unfaithful. That is a key point many couples unfortunately gloss over. God put you together; he wants you to stay that way.

"But, he cheated on me. I will never trust him again." "But, she does not respect me. I can’t live like that." Really???? On your own, probably not. Over 50% of married couples can’t do it on their own either. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Mt. 19:26).

So what do you do? Get your Bible out, go to websites that will guide you, and see what the Bible says about Divorce, Marriage, Love, Faith, Trust. Let time pass, Learn what God wants you to do, seek Christian counseling, and let someone listen to your concerns and guide you. Is this guaranteed to save a marriage? No. My first marriage ended. But when it did, I knew God still loved me, and He would forgive me. Now, He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and daughter.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great message! I am a firm believer that God is in the life changing, marriage healing business. I know this because I have experienced it first hand. But our world rarely gets to hear that message. It seems instead we hear the message of instant gratification, easy divorce yelled from the roof tops. Our God is BIG! He is bigger than your problems, he is bigger than your spouse's problems, he is even bigger than your marriage's problems. Don't put him in a small box and convince yourself that your marriage can never been anything other than what it is right now. Just like God has a continuing plan for each one of us, he has a continuing plan for each of our marriages as well! Trust Him and remember...God is in the life changing, marriage healing business!
