Friday, January 22, 2010

Jan. 22, 2010

Key Verse:

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

(Matthew 16:25)

Central Truth:

True living is only found through a life in Christ.


There is a tremendous difference between existing and living. On the surface, that sentence states a very obvious fact. Living a fulfilling life is certainly better than living an unfulfilling life. What is the definition of "living" though? That depends on whether we take a worldly viewpoint or we look to Christ for our answer.

Our key verse today, Matthew 16:25, states that "whoever wants to save his life will lose it." Jesus is not referring to physically saving ourselves. Instead, he is speaking of our tendency to make decisions from the standpoint of searching for ease and comfort for ourselves only. When we do that, we lose what makes life worthwhile. Jesus states that people who reach outside themselves and take risks for Him are the ones who actually find true life.

God is probably not going to call us to sell our possessions, quit our jobs, and jet overseas to do foreign mission work. That is His plan for some but not most. We already live on fertile ministry ground. God's call for us to reach outside ourselves and live for Him could lead us to places such as our church, our community, or even our families. He wants our hearts and souls to be completely centered in Him so that we are constantly aware of His leading and direction for our lives, wherever that may take us.

Opening ourselves to total obedience and service to God takes practice -- and nerve. We naturally fear what His call for us might be. Who are we, though, to think that we can carve a life for ourselves that is superior to the great plan our Creator has for us? He loves us beyond our earthly comprehension. Allowing God to achieve His plan through us will lead us to joy, contentment, and true fullness of life.


  1. What a perfect fit with Sunday's message and admonition to "live beyond ourselves"!

  2. There are so many times I feel like I'm missing the lead God wants me to take. It's like I'm expecting it to be one of those "big" life changing events. I forget to just simply focus on what is right here in front of my eyes: my family, co-workers, friends, and myself! Just letting God work within me. Love the way your devotion flowed!
