Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jan. 21, 2010

Key Verse:

"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.'"

(Matthew 15:11)

Central Truth:

What is in my heart is reflected in my speech. I need to choose words and topics that are encouraging and reflect Jesus.


As a young person, I attended Sunday School every Sunday morning, and I paid attention most of those Sundays. I'm sure that many times I remembered my lessons and my Bible verses for a few days after hearing them, but there is only one lesson that I can still recall to this day.

Our teacher, Mrs. Betty Carroll, gathered a our group of pre-adolescent 5th grade girls around a table in the center of the room. She handed one of us a tube of toothpaste and instructed her to squeeze out as much as she could onto a napkin on the table. The girl took great delight in squeezing the tube, and we all laughed as she made designs (and a big mess) with the blue goo. "Now," she told us, "put the toothpaste back in the tube and clean up the mess." We looked at her and at each other and back to the big pile of snakey goo. "There's no way!" we protested. It was impossible to get more than just a drop or two of the toothpaste back into the tube. "This is what it's like when you gossip," Mrs. Betty said calmly. "What goes out of your mouth can never be put back in."

In this scripture, Jesus says that what comes out of the mouth is a reflection of what is in the heart. He lists some of the "big" sins (the ones we think are so far beneath us): murder, adultery, sexual immorality, and theft. Maybe those don't resonate with you, but he also includes false testimony and slander - definitely from the mouth and definitely a reflection of an unclean heart. Ouch. A little closer to home.

Let what comes out of your heart and mouth reflect Jesus today. To be able to do that, your heart has got to reflect Him. What fills your heart will be what comes out of your mouth. Invite Christ to fill your heart. Then, ask Him to lock your jaw shut when it comes to passing along that "interesting" office rumor or the juicy tid-bit about the room mom. Use your words to encourage and build-up your children and your friends. Whatever comes out of your mouth today can never be inhaled back in. Make the most of it.


  1. Aimee- what an awesome analogy about gossip and our mouths! I don't know that there is a soul out there who does not struggle with this temptation. I am so glad I have His word to cling to when the desire starts to creep up! "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, and may benefit those who listen." Eph. 4:29

  2. Yes! What really struck me was that it is a reflection of my heart. How sad to know when I fail in that area that it is because I've not reflected Christ, who I know resides in my heart. So people hear worldly, sinful Aimee, not holy, merciful Jesus. What a sad loss for me when I fail that way!

  3. that was a great teaching tool......the toothpaste tube. I'm going to use that one to remind myself and my children! ;)
