Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan. 25, 2010

Key Verse:
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
(Matthew 17:20)

Central Truth:
Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is all we need in today's world. He alone will get us through everything that is put in our path.


Jesus tells His disciples that they could not drive out demons because they were relying on their own ability, not God's ability. How often do you feel that you can handle things on your own? How often do you get upset and angry when things don't go your way? Well, if you are like me--it happens more often than you would like to admit. This does not make us "bad people." But, just think how much more we could accomplish knowing that Christ was in the middle with us.

The Webster's Dictionary definition of faith is "belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence." That is, believing in things that have not been seen or proven.

One of my daily readings, From the Edge, my mission trip journal for Matamoros, Mexico, was entitled "Not by Sight." The overall theme was what if, instead of letting what we see determine what we do, we let our faith be what drives our actions? God wants us to walk by faith and not by sight. God has an amazing adventure for all of us. But how much of this adventure have we missed because we chose to look at a situation with our own human eyes rather than eyes of faith? We need to trust God's promises more than we trust ourselves.

Today, try to expand your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Spend some time praying and asking God to increase your faith. Turn over all of your cares and worries to Him knowing that He will take care of them. And let FAITH be what determines your thoughts, words and actions. What mountains are you allowing to stand in your way because of your lack of faith?

Prayer: Lord, I pray for boldness to be faithful to you always. God give me the faith to turn over my fears, problems and insecurities to you and to know that You will walk through the storm with me and never leave my side. Thank you Lord Jesus for always being there to carry me. Help my faith in you grow so that I may share it with others and someday maybe help them move their mountains.


  1. what a great message, thanks for reminding me what faith looks like

  2. Boy did I need this encouragement this morning. Thank you for reminding me of why we "can't see"...because God wants us to "hold His hand in the dark and keep walking".....if we could always "see" where we are going, we might change course before God could do His work and get His Good out of a situation. I am a fearful, cautious soul who likes to "see" where I am going at all times.........what a stumbling block for my Faith....THAT Fear. Thanks for the encouragement to Trust.

  3. this was beautifully written!! i needed to read and hear this more than anyone could know. in fact, i printed this one out so i could say your prayer more than just today!!
