Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010, Mark 13

Key Verse

“All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

(Mark 13:13)
Central Truth

Our goal as children of the God of the universe should be to please Him, not each other.


Are you a people pleaser? You can tell the truth here . . . . It’s okay. Does the idea of someone not liking you send a shiver down your spine? Knowing that you have five other things to do today, if someone asks you to help them with something, is it almost physically impossible for you to say the word “No”? And if you do, are you racked with guilt for hours or days?

If that’s you, I have great news for you today: you CANNOT please everyone. Someone WILL take something you say and twist it and take it out of context. There WILL be a person who will take offense at something you say . . . even if you meant it for good. At some point, somebody WILL think that you are too nice . . . or not nice enough. So . . . how is that great news? Because now you can stop striving to please everyone and release all that stress and pressure. It just can’t be done.

This is especially true for a Christ-follower. Jesus warned His disciples in this passage that they will not make everyone happy. In fact, He went as far as to let them know that people would “hate” them. That’s about as far from making people happy as you can get, right? He also guaranteed that the disciples would be beaten and thrown in jail, just for talking about Him. He used phrases like “You WILL be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues” and “WHENEVER you are arrested and brought to trial . . . .” Following Jesus will not win you any popularity contests, that much is certain.

Let’s just be honest for a second. Jesus is offensive to those that don’t know Him. His Word is offensive: "Behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it." (Jeremiah 6:10) But, when what Jesus says gets into our hearts and sets us on fire(Jeremiah 20:9), we have no choice but to speak His Word! We can’t hold it in! So if we have to speak about Jesus, we can be sure that there will be people who aren’t going to like us. But really, who are we trying to please here? What is more important, our reputation as a “yes man/woman” or Jesus’ name? Paul said “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

So take a deep breath and relax all you people pleasers! You won’t be able to please everyone you come in contact with today, tomorrow, or ever. But you can listen to His Word and do what He says. If you do that, Jesus WILL be pleased with you. And in the end that’s really all that matters.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010, Mark 12

Key Verse

"The most important commandment is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

(Mark 12:29-31)

Central Truth

God doesn't call for just a portion of you....He want's all of you.


OK...time to be the BUTTHEAD! I read this scripture, and I can't help but wonder if Piedmont is becoming a community of believers who believe this very thing. Here are a few things to ponder:

Are you truly offering God everything you have?
Do you hurt daily for those who are lost?
Are you volunteering on a regular basis?
If you are already volunteering, are you giving it everything you have...even when things are not going well?
Do you hurt for those who are hungry?
Are you compelled to help those in need?
Do you love your neighbor as you love yourself (think long and hard about that one)?
Are you willing to do what ever it takes to see others come to know the Lord?
Are you inviting and investing in others?
Are you willing to follow those God has placed in leadership?
Are you willing to lead?

We are fortunate at Piedmont to have a strong few who can answer most of these questions positively. Unfortunately, Piedmont (and many other churches) have too many who cannot. Paul sums up this commandment presented by God when he said "offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God . . . ." And you know, it's not like it's something that's negotiable. I mean, Christ didn't say..."It would be in your best interest if . . ." or "Here is something to think about . . ." NO, He said this is the GREATEST COMMANDMENT. In other words, this is not up for discussion. This is final. If you chose to follow me, these are the requirements. Love me with EVERYTHING you have, and then love others just as you love yourself.

Are you giving God everything you have? Are you confident that you can meet Christ face to face and be certain that you have no regrets concerning this issue? I pray that you do. I pray that we all do?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010, Mark 11

Key Verse

Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.

(Mark 11:24)
Central Truth

When you pray, have faith and believe in what you are praying for. Things may not always turn out how you want, but the will of God will come through.


This verse makes me think of a friend of mine whose daughter was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 3 years ago. Caroline was 2 years old at the time, and the news came as a complete shock. She went to the doctor because of some bruises she had and left after being diagnosed with cancer. When I heard the news, all I could think of was what would happen if the treatment didn’t work. How could her family go through this? What do you do when you are dealt a situation like this? Her mother, on the other hand, had faith like I have never before seen. She knew that God had a plan in all of this and that His will would be answered. She had complete faith that God would get her family through this. She kept a positive attitude during the 2½ years her daughter received treatments. It was rough at times, but Caroline always pulled through. Thanks to the prayers and the faith that accompanied them, Caroline is doing great! She has surpassed all expectations of the doctors. She is now living the life of a normal 5 year old. I get the pleasure of seeing sweet Caroline everyday, and it reminds me of God’s awesome power. God can do all things, even what we see as impossible.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010, Mark 10

Key Verse

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.

(Mark 10:25)

Central Truth

We can't depend on money or anything else to get us to Heaven; only Jesus Christ can do that.


When you first read this you might think that God does not like rich people or that He does not want people to be rich. That's not the case at all. God understood, even back in biblical times, that money would be the number one competitor for man's heart. The concept here is based on anything that man might use or lean on as opposed to fully trusting in God to get to Heaven. He chose money because He knew it would be the object of people's affection. The camel was the largest animal in that part of the world. Getting a camel through the eye of a needle represented something that, humanly speaking, was impossible to do.

So often we get caught up in worldly possessions. We compare what we have with others. We label people as "successful" based on money and material things. I know in my life, personally, I have to stop comparing myself to other people in my line of work and asking: "How many deals did they close this year?" "How much money did they make ?" "How much this . . . and how much that . . . ?" The Bible talks about not putting other gods before God. God knew that money would be top on the list of competitors of His love. People depend on money to give them what they want, instead of relying on God. I know I can be guilty of that.

When we do this, however, we tend to complication salvation. Salvation is all about Jesus and having a relationship with Him, knowing and believing that He is the only way to Heaven. We cannot rely on other things or ourselves to get us there. It won't happen. God says it will be harder for a rich man to get to Heaven because He knew so often the rich man would depend on his wealth and not God. Don't let money or the desire for money take the place of God in your life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010, Mark 9

Key verse

“This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

(Mark 9:7)

Central Truth

To live intimately with God, we must be still and listen.


Out of all the people in the Bible, I really relate personally to Peter. I wish it were because I feel like a rock in the faith, but it is really because he was always opening up his mouth and getting into trouble. He spoke passionately but without a lot of thought before hand. We see him chastised and rebuked for his outbursts. “Get behind me Satan!” (Mark 8:33), “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John 13:8b), and most famously “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘today-yes tonight- before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times.” (Mark 14:30). He was zealous but not always wise.

So, it is not really surprising that during this amazing event we call the Transfiguration, Peter once again opens his mouth. “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters . . . .” (Mk 9:5) But what really caught my attention was the next verse: “He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.” (Mk 9:6) It was like Mark was justifying that Peter just had to say something. Do you do this? When someone asks you a question or there is an awkward pause in the conversation, do you just have to say something immediately? Do you ever stop to just listen or think before you say something?

I struggle with this. Listening. Silence is often unnerving for me. I can’t sit still. Rest? What is that? If I’m not “doing,” then something is wrong. Sometimes I talk so much I never listen. This happens a lot when I pray. To just sit quietly and listen for what God wants to say to me is like waiting for something in the mail. You want to have it, but you want it to just hurry up and get here. I need something to remind me to just be quiet and listen. (Is it any wonder that the first verse my husband ever gave to me was "Be silent, and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10)

Peter needed this reminder too. God spoke directly to him and the others in Mark 9:7. “Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: ‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!’”

Listen to Him. Stop talking. Stop doing. And listen to His Son. He will refresh you and remind you of who you are, whose you are, and more importantly who He is. We need this, desperately. We were designed for this “conversational intimacy.” Adam and Eve experienced this in the garden and tragically lost it in the Fall. Our ache and thirst for love and relationship was created to be quenched by the unending love of God. We will never be satisfied without learning how to listen to His voice.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010, Mark 8

Key Verses

"The Pharisees began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from Heaven. He sighed deeply and said "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given"."

(Mark 8: 11-12)

Central Truth

Like His earthly life, Jesus' plan for the world sometimes does not follow paths that we would expect.


I love clever or humorous slogans and advertisements. One of my favorites is Taco Bell's, "Think Outside the Bun". Of course, they are encouraging us to think about tacos and burritos rather than burgers and fries when we are ready for fast food. The slogan has proved so popular that it has become part of everyday language for many people. It is a clever way to remind ourselves or others to think outside the box -- to not be hemmed in by normal expectations.

The eighth chapter of Mark documents four very important occurrences. Jesus performs two more miracles, Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah, and Jesus makes the first prediction of his death and resurrection. He was on the cusp of fulfilling the prophesy of His death and resurrection. He had lived a sinless life. He performed incomprehensible miracles. His appeal was magnetic. Even His birth was miraculous. Yet the Pharisees and, doubtless, many others, wanted a Heavenly sign that He was the Messiah. They wanted some voice, some earthly or celestial event, to confirm that He was the chosen one. I love Jesus' response of "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign?" In other words, "Geez, guys, what else do you want me to to do!?"

Jesus didn't fit the mold of a king. Nothing about His earthly existence was pretentious. He was compassionate and approachable. He was all-powerful; yet He associated with women, children, and the undesirables of society. He usually chose flawed, common people to carry out His plan.

As we experience life's events, it is normal for us to attempt to put them into human perspective, especially our difficulties. We often can see that tough circumstances ultimately work for good, but sometimes we simply never understand why something does or does not take place in our lives. That's when we have to draw on our faith that the God who sent His son to live a perfect, yet unexpected life, is in control. His plan for us could take some unorthodox turns, but He won't abandon us. He loves us and has fulfilling lives chosen for us. Perhaps some events will be "outside the bun," but that's the way our wonderful Master often operates.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18, 2010, Mark 7

Key Verse

"Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. 15 Nothing outside a man can make him "unclean" by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him "unclean."

(Mark 7: 14-15)

Central Truth

Attach yourself to ME and I will make you clean.


Wow, this has ALWAYS been a hard verse for me to swallow . . . . No pun intended!! Just when I am rocking along thinking I am doing pretty good in the "good Christian" category, this verse comes along and brings me back to my knees. The setting, of course, is Jesus talking to the Jews, explaining that the "traditions" of old are no longer needed now that they have Jesus. The Jews were very attached to their traditions and used them to "look" holy rather than honor God. Jesus informed them that they were wrong to think they were honoring God just because they were clean on the outside. This was His nice way of calling them hypocrites.

Hypocrisy is acting like something you are not. Many Christians fall into this category by worshipping God for the wrong reasons. We get caught up in looking the part, putting on a good face at church, censoring our words around others, and pretending our marriages and families are perfect. But, when we get in the privacy of our homes...we let it all hang out. Hmmmm, Is God not with us everywhere we go? Why then are we more concerned with what others think, rather than living to please our one true Holy God? This chapter tells us that this is a problem that has been around for a long time!

Jesus also spoke in verse 6, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Take a second and just think: Is this me? Do I fall under the umbrella of people he is referencing? The awesome thing about this whole lesson is the reality that we are making this "worshipping thing" much too hard. You see, the point He is making is to quit trying. Just attach yourself to ME, and I will make you clean. Quit worrying about everyone else, and attach to ME. Should I say it again? Attach to ME!! The more we do this, the more beautiful we become. Let God be your source of diet, and He will fuel your heart and mind!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010, Mark 6

Key Verse

"Jesus said to them, 'Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.'"

(Mark 6:4)

Central Truth 

We miss out if we don't honor those closest to us.


Everywhere Jesus and his disciples went, people literally ran toward them. We read that they barely had time to eat or to rest because so many people wanted to be near them. Hurting people longed for just a touch of Jesus' cloak because they knew they would be healed. Thousands gathered to hear what Jesus had to say. Jesus was, by all accounts, a rockstar.

And what kind of a reception would you expect Jesus, the rockstar, to receive in his own hometown? Screaming fans greeting his entourage? Papyrus posters proclaiming their undying love for the Messiah? Tear-streaked faces of love-struck teenagers? Not so! The people of Nazareth "took offense" to him (v. 3). To them, Jesus was nothing special. He was just a person they had known for most of his life. They doubted he could be anything special. They lacked faith in him, the faith that drove hundreds of others to reach for just a touch of his cloak.

Why? I have no idea! Maybe it was jealousy that a guy that used to do their woodwork was now being followed around the countryside. Or maybe they didn't understand how God could exist in the form of such an average guy. He just didn't fit the image they had in mind of Messiah. For whatever the reason Nazarenes rejected Jesus, it was they who lost out. Jesus could not do any miracles there because of their lack of faith (v. 5-6). Of all the places, you'd think Jesus would be most honored in his own hometown, but it wasn't so.

It is easy to overlook the extraordinary accomplishments and abilities of the ordinary people around us, even in our own homes. In my own life, I want to make sure that our home is the place where my family feels the most loved and the most special of any other place on Earth. To do that, I need to honor my husband by recognizing his wisdom, bragging on his achievements, complimenting him on his incredible good-looks (it's true!), and thanking him for his hard work. For my children, I need to praise them for things they do well, give gentle instruction for the things they don't do well, nurture their talents, and provide unconditional love in all situations - even frustrating ones! And maybe, every now and then, I need to bust out with a papyrus poster in the driveway to welcome them home!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16 2010, Mark 5

Key Verse 

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

(Mark 5:34)
Key Concept
God is a compassionate God, and He is always at work and will meet our needs.

In Mark 5 Jesus shows great power in performing three miracles. Jesus has victory over evil spirits, a diseased woman, and a dead girl. The religious leaders of the day considered these people unclean. These people were shunned by society. However, Jesus, with all His love and compassion, reached out and helped ANYONE in need.

Each one of these miracles is unique. However, my attention is drawn to the woman who was healed. This woman suffered from an incurable bleeding condition. Therefore, she was an outcast to society. Scripture tells us that the woman desperately wanted Jesus to heal her, but she knew she was unclean under Jewish law. She realized that she could not go near Jesus. Still, she had so much faith that she believed that just touching Jesus’ clothes would heal her. She was immediately healed, and Jesus told the crowd that it was her faith, not her action, that healed her.

I can just imagine seeing this story unfold. This sick woman heard that Jesus would be in town. She had heard of his great healing miracles. Given her condition, she was probably so scared to leave her house and go into the crowd that was gathered to see Jesus. She probably wondered how Jesus would react to her. However, she pressed forward in faith into the crowd and touched Jesus’ clothes. Jesus did not even see her face. He stopped and asked who had touched Him. This verse tells us that He felt the power leave Him. Jesus then praises her for her faith. This must have been a glorious moment for a woman who had suffered for so long.

I often wonder how many times people do not go to God for forgiveness, healing, or acceptance because they feel “unclean” due to sin in their lives. Scripture tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. In my opinion, so many of us cannot grasp all the love and grace that Jesus offers. Even as a Christ-follower it still amazes me how much God loves us and how He has made a way for us that includes peace and unconditional love. He has given us His word, the Bible, so that we can have instructions on how to live.

In His word there are so many examples of people who have really, really made a disaster of their lives. However, when they called on God they were forgiven. In Psalm 51, David pleads for mercy and forgiveness: "1Have mercy of me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. 2Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. 3For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me."

David and the diseased woman went boldly in faith to God. We should never be afraid to do the same. Only when we ask forgiveness for our sins and take our problems to God can we experience the peace of Jesus.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010, Mark 4

Key Verse

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

(Mark 4:40)

Key Concept

Through true faith we can accomplish great things for God’s glory.


The key word in the key concept is "accomplish."

In Mark 4 Jesus speaks to the people in parables that all point to a central truth.
In the parable of the sower, He explains something that we are really hit with in our time. Verses 18 and 19 warn of the desires of this world choking the word and making us unfruitful: worries of life, deceitfulness of wealth, and desires for other things (other than focusing on glorifying God).

Verse 20 is key. It gives instructions that many overlook.
God’s truth is sown. We hear it. (Most have at some point). We accept it. (Many also accept God’s Grace). We produce. It doesn’t say get saved and wait to go to heaven quietly! The bible tells us to get in the game. Produce is a word of action; it means we are now working to glorify Jesus Christ.

That scares a lot of folks, and that is where Faith comes in. When you accept the grace of God, start learning. Read the word, talk to pastors, study the Bible, research what is says, join a bible study or community group, surround yourself with friends who are Christ followers. Soon you will realize you can do anything through Faith.

Relax, you don’t have to be Billy Graham. But just like the mustard seed, the truth of Jesus Christ must be planted in order for God to make it grow. If you keep it to yourself, it is like a seed that is never planted, it will lie dormant. So like the lamp (v21), when you have received the word of God, SHINE! Glorify God in every step you take. Have faith that you are doing God’s will; don’t be silent, don’t be still!

Hear-Accept-Produce/Shine through faith in your wonderful, all powerful Savior!

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010, Mark 13

“Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach, and He gave them authority to cast out demons. These are the names of the twelve he chose:
Simon (Peter)
James and John
Simon (the Zealot)
Judas Iscariot

(Mark 3:13-19)


These twelve disciples were just ordinary everyday men who became extraordinary because of Jesus!


At first glance I thought this passage was going to be incredibly hard to write about. And then I took a second look and realized that there is so much more to it than what is written. I chose to look at the disciples because I know that everyone reading this, including myself, feel like (at least most of the time) that we are just ordinary people. “God can’t use me, I don’t have the right job or I’m not this or that.” The truth is God uses ordinary people everyday and turns their ordinary life into an extraordinary life.

Let’s look at a couple of them.
Simon Peter: He was an impulsive fisherman who later became bold in preaching about Jesus. His life showed us that Christians falter at times, but when we look to Jesus he forgives us and strengthens our faith.
Thomas: He had courage and plenty of doubt. Through his life we learned that even when Christians have serious doubts, Jesus reaches out to them to restore their faith.

These are just two of the many men whose lives were transformed by God’s mighty power. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to hang up this ordinary life for an extraordinary one!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010, Mark 2

Key Verse

He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"

(Mark 2:12)
Central Truth

We pray you keep the faith in seeing the miracles in your daily lives. Even though Jesus does not walk the face of earth as man anymore, miracles still happen everyday.


Did you ever realize there are several different little stories or scenes in this one chapter in Mark? Well, there are actually four in chapter 2: Jesus heals a paralytic, Jesus eats with sinners, Jesus is questioned about fasting, and Jesus tells about the Sabbath. We were first focused on verse 17, but we struggled many nights with how to put our words and feelings on paper. So we reread our chapter again in the quiet of the night (our children are asleep!). Then it was almost like "someone" hi-lighted verse 12. It really did feel like one of those moments I (Alleyne) refer to as a God moment!

The paralytic in Mark 2 had incredible friends that brought him to Jesus. They let nothing stop them. They truly had strong faith in what Jesus could do for their friend who could not walk. In this miracle, Jesus makes their friend get up off the mat and walk out. The hands of Jesus healed him! The witnesses were amazed.

We have had miracles occur in our own lives, just like the paralytic, some huge and some small. We are ashamed to admit though, that we fail many days to put our faith in Jesus' miracles. We "take" things into our own hands to handle life's situations, even sometimes never relying and asking for Jesus' help until we reach that panic mode. And who is still there? JESUS! No questions asked, no lectures, no guilt trip.............just Jesus, always there.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010, Mark 1

Key Verse

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

(Mark 1:17)

Central Truth

Being a Christ Follower may not be easy, but it sure is simple. Jesus gave us a perfect example of how to live life in a way that glorifies God. Begin everyday by following Him.


As I read this chapter I was reminded of how simple it is to be a Christ Follower. Follow Jesus’ perfect example. That’s it. That’s all we have to do. Jesus came to earth as a man, and He lived as a man. He was baptized, He was tempted, He set apart time to be alone with God, and He took time out to help people who were sick and hurting.

He was baptized as an example to us. He was tempted as a man so He could understand our trials and temptations and help us through anything. He set apart time to be alone with God because prayer is our connection to our Heavenly Father. He healed the sick, blind, and dying because He cares about us.

Just as Jesus did, we have to set apart time to be with God. We have to take time to listen to God without distraction. We have to take time to tell God we love Him, to tell Him our fears, and the desires of our hearts.

I once heard that if you don’t have enough time in the day to spend 15 minutes with God then you need to get your priorities straight. That is so true. We over-schedule ourselves and our children. We get so busy with little league and dance class that we lose sight of what is important. Nothing else matters without God. He is our first priority so He should come first with our time.

God loves people. He made them after all. Take time out to really notice those around you. Try to see what is on the inside. Try to see what God sees when He looks at them. How can you show that person that Jesus cares about them? How can you be the body of Christ and pour love and grace on them?

I began by saying that following Christ is simple. It’s simple, but it’s not always easy. As Christ Followers, we will be tempted to sin, we will let ourselves get too busy to spend time with God, and we won’t always treat people the way we should. But we can start over each day by asking God to forgive us for our sins and then do our best to follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010, Matthew 28

Key Verse

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

(Matthew 28:19,20)

Central Truth

God commands us as Christians to share our Faith with all non believers.


Why are we to share our faith?
1. God simply commands us.
2. Our obedience demonstrates our love and commitment to Him.
3. Everyone without Christ is lost and destined for an eternity in hell separated from God. As Christians, we have the only answer and solution.
4. God commands us to love our neighbor and even our enemies. There is no better demonstration of love than communicating God's plan of salvation.
5. God desires all people to be saved. (2Peter 3:9, 1Timothy 2:4)
6. God has chosen Christians as the instrument for communicating His love and the forgiveness of sins through the placing of our Faith in Jesus.

To bring these reasons close to home, my salvation resulted from a very simple act by a Christian woman who simply shared God's simple plan of salvation.

Think back to that moment you expressed by Faith your trust in God's plan of salvation through His only son, Jesus....

That single most important decision of your life was made possible because someone or a number of people through their obedience and love toward God shared their Faith in Christ and how He has impacted their life.

God prepared your heart to "receive and believe," but His desire for you to come to that exact and predestined moment of your salvation was executed when a person, a Christian and obedient Believer, simply shared God's simple yet awesome plan of His desire for you to know Him and spend eternity with Him.

So, the question is . . . Why don't we, or more appropriately, why don't "I" share my Faith on a regular basis? Why don't I share my relationship with Jesus with nonbelievers??!!

Think about this, if we knew of a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor with cancer, and we had a sure absolute cure, how urgently and with how much compassion would we share the cure that we know would save their life . . . ONLY their "physical life here on earth" . . . ??!!

How much more motivated should we be to share the only certain cure for eternal death and separation from God..??!!

Preparing this devotion and focusing on the key verse of Matthew 28:9,10, I have felt the Holy Spirit convict and encourage me to be more bold in the sharing of my Faith.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jan 8th, 2010

Key Verse:
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

(Matthew 6:21)

Central Truth: God captures the hearts of those who seek Him.

I used to worship my job. People say things like that a lot, but I really did. My career had supreme power to jerk out tears of sadness, catapult me onto cloud nine, or compel me to sacrifice whatever was required to serve it. (Yeah, well… ok. So maybe LSU Football fits that description too. But that’s not the point here). At 12 years old, I firmly decided to become a successful electrical engineer. And over the next 12 years, I aggressively pursued that goal until it eventually became the defining purpose of my life. And I did it, and I loved it, and it was good.

But I guess you might say that God proved to be the ultimate engineer. Apparently, God was not content with allowing me to settle for an identity other than the one He designed- even if I was. So He masterfully designed and coordinated, through a series of people and circumstances and events, fundamental changes in me. It happened more and more as I honestly pursued Him.

Over the past few years, I have been learning who I really am- what my true identity looks like. I’m a child of God, adopted and embraced by the Creator of the universe, and paid for with a price infinitely more precious than any accolades I may earn in my short stay here on earth. I am a part of the Body of Christ.

I still get a kick out of working on important projects. But my career doesn’t define who I am. The job is just an outward expression of who I am. It’s a role I play. It’s a passing reflection of my eternal identity. But my soul is still being carved and sculpted to reveal God’s original design.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21. God knows that I love my work. That was part of His design. He just loves me too much to let me become so fascinated with His gifts that I mistake them as a substitute for Him. As I honestly sought God, He convinced me that He is better than any substitute I could dream up.

What is your “substitute” treasure today? Where does it lie? Keep pursuing God, and let Him show you what real treasure feels like.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010, Matthew 26

Key Verse

But he denied it before them all. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

(Matthew 26:70)

Central Truth

Jesus’ pain was greater than ours will ever be. His pain was for You. And Me. Do we really claim him as our friend, every day?


I have to admit, I’m a little afraid of the changes our world seems to be going through. I’m not really big on watching the daily news, but it seems like everywhere you turn, something else is going downhill. Global warming. Crime. Marriages ending. Relationships destroyed. Cancer. Neglected children. Health care. Depression. Death. Scares about our future for ourselves, our kids, our parents, our loved ones.

So I try to tune it out sometimes. But I realized when reading this chapter, Jesus had it harder than you or I will ever have. He knew he was going to die and then became completely separated from God. Even in our toughest hardships, we know we won’t have to be cut off from God. That’s what can get us through.

So when things seem to be going out of control around us, does our spiritual growth have to do the same? I’ve found the answer to be no. He will never leave us. He is not surprised. He is there waiting to comfort us. He even knows what is going to happen next and exactly how it fits into His plan. He is light,when our world is dark. He is faithful, when our world is fickle.

If that’s so, why would any of us ever deny Him? I looked deeper into who Peter was in the Bible, who denied Jesus three times. He was passionate. Strong. Daring. A leader. One of Jesus’ closest friends. Jesus even nicknamed him the “Rock”.

I want to be those qualities in Peter. But then I like to think I would not be the “Peter" who denied Jesus when he was under pressure. Then again, maybe I do sometimes deny Jesus in my day-to-day life? Maybe even you do? It’s easy to just be subtle or inoffensive when it comes to Christianity. We don’t want to be weird, right? But, we’re not supposed to look like we belong with “the crowd.”

What about when those in my circle are conversing and agree on an ungodly view, and I just nod and don’t want to “offend” anyone? Is that communicating, “Yes! I am with Jesus?”

Or, when the whole world thinks that movie in all of its raunchiness is the “best this year,” and so do you and I? Are we claiming to be set apart for Him?

Or, do the words I say about others reflect Whose I am?

I’m challenged from this chapter to be a person that, even if it means being strange to the world or not fitting in, would be willing to say, “Yeah. I’m with HIM.”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010 Matthew 25

Key Verse

"For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."

(Matthew 25:29)

Central Truth

God has given each of us talents and abilities to use to glorify Him and to bring others to His kingdom. Don’t bury your abilities. Use them. Use them in a way to honor Christ.


As a coach, one of my biggest “pet peeves” is an athlete wasting his talent or not performing up to his potential. Our goal is to use what God has blessed us with to the best of our ability to bring honor and glory to Christ, being an example to all who see us on and off the athletic field. Each season, usually several times a season, our athletes get reminded of this. I usually remind them in a “not-so-nice” way on the field; then I will use a devotional to better explain my point in the locker room before practice. When I do this, I generally use The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

Oddly enough, it simplifies it for them because Talent (the money) = Talent (their ability). God has blessed us all with talents – some more than others. In Matthew 25, the master gave one servant five talents, another servant two talents, and the other one only one talent. The servant who was given five talents “put his money to work” and gained five more, as did the servant who was given two, but the servant who was given one talent dug a hole and buried his master’s money so no one could see it or take it away. When the master returned, he praised the two that had put their talents to work and scolded the one who had done nothing.

The point I try to get across to our players is about SUCCESS. One of the first things I did in 2007 when I really began my personal relationship with Jesus is to redefine my definition of success. I found it in the back of my FCA Coaches Bible in a devotional. Success is defined here as “peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming”. We no longer talk in terms of winning or losing. We talk about being successful, everyday and in every area of our lives. And when we get 50 players in our program trying to be successful (by definition) everyday, our program grows stronger – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

And that is what God wants. He wants us to use our talents and abilities that he has blessed us with to be great people who enjoy living for Him and use those talents to promote His Kingdom.

God wants us to be good ... not average. He wants us to be great ... not just good. That’s why he praises the servants who doubled their talents in Matthew 25 and scolded the one who did not improve.

So when we work or play, our focus is on bringing glory to God by being successful – by doing our best with the talents he has blessed us with. And we give thanks for what God has blessed us with and for the opportunities He has given us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010 - Matthew 24

Key Verse
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.”

(Matthew 24:35)
Central Truth

True stability only comes from standing firm in our faith and trusting Jesus.

I don’t like thinking about the end of the world. (Does anybody?) There’s no doubt it’s going to be rough. Jesus says in Matthew 24:9: “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name.” On top of the suffering, it’s confusing. People throw around all kinds of theories and predictions. Some are weird, odd, hokey, scary, and often just laughable. But what does Jesus say about it? Even His description can be confusing to me. On one hand, Jesus tells us that we will be seeing all these signs and therefore know that the end is near (Matt 24:33). But He also tells us that it will come when we don’t expect it (Matt 24:44). To make matters worse, liars will be running around trying to confuse us further! Hmm. Suffering and confusion. What to make of all this? A few things stand out.

The first re-assuring truth is a prevalent theme in the Bible- one that we can bank on. “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. (Matt 5:11). If we stand strong and endure in following Christ, even when it’s tough, even when it becomes ridiculously hard, the Bible teaches that we will be blessed for this devotion. Many people will fall away as it gets tougher. So we need to be alert, conscientious and vigilant in our striving. We strive to build Godly character and flesh-out our Faith. It’s a reminder and encouragement for us to do this consistently, over time. This will build the foundation for the unavoidable storms of life that test our Faith.

The next thing that strikes me is how trivial my worries seem in comparison to God’s Kingdom. Yes, stock markets falter, housing bubbles burst, and unemployment rises. As our current wars persist, formidable enemies threaten to instigate additional wars. But, you know what? As terrible as these things are, solving all these problems here on earth isn’t necessarily the point of it all. There are much HUGER things going on behind the scenes, in the spiritual domain. In fact, these earthly struggles could merely be the result of turbulence in the spiritual world: the on-going battle between good and evil. But one day, these earthly problems will all be over and done with. Only 
God is eternal. All of thiswill be gone. All we wring our hands over, all we toil and sweat over, all this fragile security we strive to protect here on this little ball of dust- all of it will be gone one day, and the Lord and His Kingdom will be all that remains. Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” The footnote in my Bible explains: “Jesus’ words are more certain than the existence of the universe.” Wow. Now that’s huge.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010, Matthew 23

Key Verse

Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.

(Matthew 23:3)

Central Truth 

Actions speak louder than words.

I've been a banker for about 10 years now, and one of the questions we always get when people come in to sign loan documents is, "Is so much paperwork really necessary?" I talk with bankers of generations past, and they talk of days when someone would come into the bank and borrow money based on a handshake. They would write it down when the person left. They never feared that the person wouldn't repay them. But, if they didn't come with their cash payment, there would be a new cow or goat around the bank. I remember growing up that when my dad or granddad would tell someone they would do something; you could set your watch by it. Good old fashioned integrity.

These days, no matter how much paperwork someone signs, some people will do almost anything to get out of a commitment. They will change their story, come up with an excuse, or just not do anything and leave you hanging. That's when you have paperwork. I am sure that you can imagine what happens when there is no paperwork. Now, I don't want you to think that I am generalizing all people when I write this devotion. There are many people out there that still demonstrate good old fashion integrity. Thank God for them.

I have three children, who soak up everything that I do or say. One of my biggest goals in life is to raise my children knowing what this old fashioned integrity is and to surround myself and my family with others who demonstrate those same qualities. My hope is that, as my children get older, they will know what it means when someone refers to the old saying, "My word is my bond". Jesus called the Pharisees out when speaking to the multitudes and told the people to do what they say but not what they do.

How do your actions speak today? Are you telling your children not to use foul language while using it yourself and surrounding them with others and tv shows that use it constantly? Do you tell your children that smoking kills while you blow smoke out the driver's side window? Are you a person of your word? Can others count on you when you tell them that you will be there?

I hope that you know someone who displays that old fashioned integrity. If not, let me remind you of One who does. Hebrews 13:5 says, "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." This is a promise that God has given us, and I have full confidence that this is one that you can count on. Now you know of One that you can count on. Put your faith and trust in Him and surround yourself with others seeking the same path on the journey.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010, Matthew 22

Key Verse:

"Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Propets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22:37-40

Central Truth:
God's desire is really for us to keep it simple. Love Him, love others.

The majority of this chapter contains Jesus speaking to either the Pharisees (in vv. 1-22, 34-46) or the Sadducees (in vv. 23-33), both of whom were the religious leaders of this time. They spend most of this chapter questioning Jesus, trying to "trip him up" so to speak, about what is important and what are our duties as religious people. I love how Jesus doesn't get irritated or impatient with them. He also doesn't let them use him to put others down or to make themselves feel superior. He does quite the opposite!

Jesus, when asked "...which is the greatest commandment in the Law?", replied with the key verses above. This is what I love about Jesus! He longs for us to live in freedom, to experience true life, true freedom in Him! He says simply, "Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." WOW! How do we make it so complicated? We think we have to walk, talk and act a certain way. Jesus says, love the Lord with all your heart. He doesn't instruct us to clean up our lives, then come and worship Him. He wants us to love and worship Him, period. That is when I believe true life change can begin. When we focus on Him, He changes our hearts and, as a result, our behaviors, our relationships, our habits, and our life changes. But, when we try to make the change first by ourselves, we take our dependence off of Him. We should take encouragement from that - love Him; let Him sweep you off your feet and change your life.

"And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Love your neighbor. Sounds simple; but are we really doing it? Love is an action verb. What are you doing to actively show others that you love them? God has placed each person around you in your life for a purpose. (Yes, even the unloveable ones.) What have you done to demonstrate the love of Christ to them? What about those He has placed in our lives that we might not even notice or think about? For example, there is a restaurant that Jerry and I frequent (every Sunday as a matter of fact). We have intentionally developed a relationship with "our" waiter there. We ask about his family, and we make sure to treat him with an abundance of kindness and respect, even giving a gift at Christmas. What a blessing it has been for us to develop this relationship! If we are not intentional about loving others, we won't do it. The fact is that we're all busy. Life is busy. We all have our own problems, but God has called us to love others. How are you doing at loving Him and loving others?

Spend some time today loving on Him - sing a worship song in your car, truly sing it from your heart, or tell Him throughout the day how much you love Him. Let Him direct you to who He wants you to love on for Him.