Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan. 13, 2010

Key Verse:

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

(Matthew 9: 37-38)

Central Truth:

Many want to know Christ; they just need someone to SHOW them Christ.


So, if you just stopped and read all of Matthew 9 you are probably thinking, "Why did she pick that verse?" Ok, Ok, I know the entire chapter is about healing and the miracles Jesus performed. I am truly in awe of the amazing ways Jesus chose to heal people as he traveled. I have heard of actual healings like this done on the mission field, and I've even seen healing done right here in my neighborhood. I have also seen God choose to allow healing to take place not on this earth but in heaven. Even in the latter, the faith and belief of the ones praying for healing were beyond truthful and strong. As believers, we are asked to just pray, trust, and believe.

In our Key verse, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" Jesus is talking to his disciples. I think he is trying to say that so many want to give their hearts to Christ, but they need someone to SHOW them Christ. I truly believe this is true. Just look at the many of thousands of ways people are trying to fill the void in their life. I think we could all make a very long list. As Christ followers, we too fall into this trap. We have a huge opportunity sitting right in front of us to share the amazing message of Christ. I am not necessarily talking about dropping everything, grabbing your Bible, and preaching on a street corner. Just look at the next verse..."Ask the Lord of the harvest" ASK... Did you hear me? ASK!

I so have the desire to be a witness of the gospel. I just don't always know how. My community group just finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I highly recommend it if you are really ready to grow and be challenged. The resounding theme is to get out of yourself, make some changes, and start living a passionate and crazy life for Jesus. Chan gives lots of examples of how to do this, so many that it can almost make you a little neurotic. Am I supposed to sell my house and car and take my family to the mission field in Africa? Am I supposed to adopt orphans from Somalia? Am I supposed to never shop for me again and give all of my money to the poor? (Now I am getting a little closer to home.) What does crazy for Christ look like? How can I SHOW people Christ through my words and actions? My question is, "How does God want ME to show Christ to others?" So, with that question I will ASK my Father to use me as a vessel to serve his kingdom with love, grace and compassion, and as a result, SHOW people Jesus. I am letting God know I am ready and willing. I just need him to open the doors! Are you ready? Then ASK!


  1. Great job Katie. Going to share with the baseball team today before practice. Hope it inspires them as it did me. Thanks.

  2. Katie, You picked the "summary" of the whole chapter I think with these two verses..because as it says in verse 36..."He saw the multitudes and was moved by compassion..because they fainted (were weak)and were scattered abroad (everywhere) SHEEP having NO SHEPHARD....(confused with no secure direction). Isn't that like so many of us! how relevant it still is. I, too, want so much to SHOW Christ to those who don't know HIM....but sometimes it is so hard to know just how to do it. ASKing is the first KEY...Asking God to "open a door", "present a situation", "create a need", "open my mouth with YOUR Words,NOT mine"..."give me YOUR heart of compassion in place of my judgemental one"....and also ASKING HIM to "draw them to HIMSELF" (intercessory prayer)..even when they don't know they need Him. All these are ways to "send forth laborers". May God make me a true "laborer" for Him this year. I've been inspired by this verse! and your insights on it! Thanks!!
