Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan. 20, 2010


Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and grabbed him. “You don’t have much faith.” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
(Mathew 14:31)


In the mist of every storm God is standing right there saying “don’t be afraid for I am with you.” Yet we still have that lack of faith he desires from us.


We all would probably like to think that we have tons of faith, right? I know I would love to think that I am a woman of total faith. However, time and time again in this Chapter, when put face to face with faith, a person's faith is shaken. In verses 22-33 it talks about Peter and the disciples who were out in the stormy oceans when Jesus came to them walking on water. They were scared and didn’t believe it was Him. So He said to them “it’s alright.” “I am here! Don’t be afraid.” But that wasn’t enough. They wanted Him to prove it. They told Jesus that, if it was Him, he should let Peter walk on water to meet Him. So Jesus said, “come.” Then Peter starts walking on water and just for one second takes his eyes off of Jesus and looks at the storm around him. And, then guess what? His faith is shaken, and he starts to sink - only for Jesus to have to pull him out. All of this even after Jesus had just performed a miracle on land with the disciples by feeding over five thousand men and women with five loaves of bread!

I read all of this, and it stuck out so much for me. I would love to be able to truly say that my faith is never shaken, but the truth is that God puts miracles in front of us everyday. It might not be taking five loaves of bread and feeding five thousand or walking on water, but miracles are all around us. I look at my three amazing children, and I see a miracle. I look at people coming to know Christ, and I see a miracle. Everyday we all wake up and see the sunrise and set, and that too is a miracle made only by God! Still time and time again, when the storms come, and they do come. We take our eyes off of Christ, and our faith is shaken. Even though God promises us, “I am here! Don’t be afraid.” We look around at our stormy surroundings and like Peter we begin to worry. Have fear. We begin to doubt. Reading this passage was like God just looked me in the eye and said, “You don’t have much faith.” “Why did you doubt me?” Faith is not an easy thing to have. It is a choice you must make day after day, storm after storm. However, when you do step out in faith, God never under-delivers on his promise. He is with us always!


  1. Everyday miracles are so easy to take for granted, but so powerful when they are appreciated. Thanks for reminding me today to look for them and use them for encouragement!

  2. loved this, Amanda! thanks for sharing. i read it this morning, then had a very hectic day, and i kept thinking all day - look for the miracles. and you know what? they were all around me! precious children, changed lives, His grace...i could go on and on!

  3. You did such a good job of reiterating the thoughts in this passage. None of us have the faith we "think" we have....I think that is why God tests us keep us growing in it. WHEW! sometimes I am so tired of growing! ;) Maybe it is because I am not it said to do in the beginning of the Book of Matthew that I am so "tired" of the struggle. God help me to have the immediate Trust of a Child....and rest in His Security.

  4. that what just what i needed to hear. thank you
