Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010, Luke 24

Key Verse:

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.

(Luke 24:450

Central Truth: 

When we are reading God's word, we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to open our minds and reveal to us what God wants us to know and learn.

Woohoo...IS THAT YOU?

I hope after you read this chapter you just went, "WOW!" There is nothing more powerful than reading about the actual day that the Resurrection is revealed. I would be remiss if I did not have a little "revival" right now. So excuse me while I channel my inner Gaither. We worship an amazing, awesome, holy, honest, loving, pure, true, real, healing, protecting, serving, providing, authentic, LIVING, REDEEMED SAVIOR!!! Can I get an AMEN??? God's promise was fulfilled, and while I take the time daily to thank him for that, I also stop and think about how I know for sure that it is true.

In this chapter, we enter right as the women discover that Jesus is missing from His tomb. As they go and tell others, it mentions that they all wonder what happened. Next, we follow two BELIEVERS traveling by foot on the road to Emmaus. Jesus himself comes up and begins walking along side these men. He talks to them and asks them what is wrong. They hang their heads they tell Him the story of the Crucifixion and how the third day is here and how bummed they are because they thought Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel. Ok, now, this is what I am talking about...if I was Jesus (insert laugh) I would be waving my hands, jumping up and down, dancing a little jig, like... "Hello people, woohoo, it is ME!!!!!" Well, that is not exactly how it goes down. Jesus tells them how foolish they are for not believing the prophets that have spoken. He continues on with them and even joins them in their home for dinner. It is there that they realize who He is.

It goes on in the chapter to Jesus revealing himself to his disciples in Jerusalem. Again, they do not believe He is the risen Christ. Once again, I would start doing some funky tricks like disappearing and coming back real quick to get their attention. But what does He say? "It is written...." He again takes them back to scripture. I mean, He is right there and could have chosen so many other ways to convince them, but He simply tells them to go to their scriptures and remember the words of the prophets sent by God.

How many times do we go to other sources to find answers in a time of search or need? Don't get me wrong, Christian counselors, friends, pastors, books, etc. are all crucial and necessary. BUT, if that is all we are utilizing and we are not including scripture and prayer as the first part of the recipe, then we are missing the mark. This chapter confirms this truth over and over.

God has provided us everything we need right between two leather bound covers. We need to pray, as He instructed, for the Holy Spirit to open our minds and reveal to us what God wants us to know and learn in the moment. So my challenge to you is to put God's word first in your search for answers - or even in your times of praise. There is SO MUCH POWER in speaking praise to God straight from His own word. Try it . . . . I mean really try it. What better way to glorify our Father than speaking aloud His word?

If you are part of this journey everyday, then you have already taken the first step. So, I leave us with an awesome scripture of praise. Please join me in praising our redeemed savior today! "All honor and praise be to You, my God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light" (1 Timothy 6:15).

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