Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26, 2010, John 14

Key verse:

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

(John 14:6)
Central Truth:

Jesus is the way to God. He is our salvation. We are free; we are saved, because of Him.


I once worked for a wonderful doctor whose family was Jewish. He and his wife were very faithful to the Jewish customs and laws. They went to Temple on Saturdays. They sent their children to Jewish schools. They ate only kosher foods. They did everything the way that they were taught to by their parents. They were a very sweet family. But they were not without problems. The doctor’s wife suffered from schizophrenia and severe depression. She had to be hospitalized several times to help with her condition. Even with all of the best that medicine had to offer her it just wasn’t enough and ultimately she committed suicide. It was a very difficult time for the family as you can imagine.

One of the worst things that I remember about that time is that they could not find a Jewish funeral home to conduct the traditional Jewish funeral and burial. You see, Jews live under the law, and they felt that suicide is an unforgivable sin. The Jewish funeral homes found no reason to carry on with a ceremony that they felt was useless because, in their eyes, her fate was already sealed.

I remember feeling outraged. Didn’t they understand that she was ill and not in her right mind? It wasn’t as if she was capable of understanding the difference between right and wrong with her severe mental condition. But, I was missing the point. If you live under the law there are no exceptions. And they live under the law.

I am extremely grateful to Jesus Christ, my savior, for His forgiveness - forgiveness that I don’t deserve. He came to die for my sins. I am free of the law and am secure in my eternity. It makes me want to dance and sing because I AM FREE! I want everyone to have that. I want everyone to be secure and know that they are loved by their heavenly Father and that Jesus has prepared the way for us.

Still, I’m not entirely off the hook. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) As a Christ follower, I’m held to a high standard. I have to do my best to follow His commands all the time. I have to ask forgiveness and truly repent when I sin. But, there is no such thing as an unforgivable sin for me. I am saved. Forever.

My prayer is that as a church body we would constantly be aware of those around us and their situations. Invest in their lives and invite them to come with you to church. Build a foundation of friendship with them. Be a model of God’s love for them and share the gospel so they can be free too. Love God and love people. Those are His greatest commandments.

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