Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010, Luke 18

Key Verse:

Then Jesus called the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God."

(Luke 18:16-17)

Central Truth:

God calls us to have "childlike" faith.


This book had so many truths and great parables. I encourage you read all of them. However, the one parable that just stuck me the most was the one about Jesus blessing the children. In this time it was custom for the mother to take their children to a rabbi for a blessing. Here, they gathered around Jesus for the blessing of their children. The disciples tried to send the children away, and Jesus said "NO", "let them come." He then goes on to teach the disciples that children and their childlike faith is what is expected of us.

I look at my girls and my little boy, and everyday they wake up with this overwhelming faith in Greg and I. They have faith that we will feed them and take care of them, and they don't even think about the chance that it might not happen. Every new adventure they take, they take with faith that we are there for them and that we will take care of them. Even when they do get hurt, they know we will help them get better.

Jesus was telling his disciples that we are to be that way. Have faith in our father and know that He is taking care of us. There is no need for worrying because He is there and promises us He will never leave us.(Matthew 6:25-34) Just think if we all could look at Christ with the faith like a child. How much better would our lives be ? Also, think of how our children will be blessed if we introduce Jesus to them in that same childlike attitude of faith and trust. What a difference it would make - in our work, homes and even our church - if we woke up every morning and smiled without one bit of worry, knowing that God our Father was going to carry us through the day!! WOW, think of how proud God would be.

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