Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010, Luke 17

Key Verse:

Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?"

(Luke 17:17)
Central Truth: 

Giving thanks should come automatically if you walk daily with the Lord.

Jesus healed ten lepers who asked Him to have mercy on them. Only one of them came back to Jesus to thank Him when he saw that he was healed. Just one out of ten, 10%, gave Jesus thanks after a true miracle. Wow!! This verse spoke volumes to me. Am I giving God enough thanks, or am I taking too much for granted?

We all live in a very hectic, self-centered world where we tend to take things for granted. We tend only to "turn up" our conversations with God when something has not gone our way, a tragedy strikes, or we really want something. And typically, these are not prayers of thanksgiving. Often our prayers are filled with requests for ourselves and others, and we forget to thank God for what He has done and to worship Him for who He is. We must not take God for granted. How much time do you take out of your day to be still and spend time with God and give Him thanks and your full attention?

It is extremely difficult to hear the voice of God when you don't take the time to be still and listen. How often have we been in the 90% who did not acknowledge our blessings? Unfortunately, I think I am in that percentage more than I would like to admit. We expect a "thank you" when we do something for someone else, don't we? Don't you take notice when they don't? So, doesn't God, the creator of the universe, deserve more thanks from us?

When is your prayer time with God? At night? In the morning? In the car going to work? At lunch? Waiting in the carpool line? Is it rushed and pressured or comfortable and soothing?

I tell you, several years ago I tried to say my prayers and read my bible at night before I went to bed. But as my family can attest, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. Through trial and error, I have found that my best time to spend time with God is early in the morning when everyone else in the house is asleep. I have my cup of coffee, my beloved bowl of cereal, and my "God time." Like Newsong said in their
Morning Time Talk, I do it early, daily, diligently, and yielding, or I don't get it into my day. When I start my day giving thanks and praise to God, I have a much better outlook, attitude, and outcome to my day. It also makes me much more aware of the amazing works of God: sunsets, sun rises, rainbows, flowers, stars, birds, animals, etc . . ., which draw me closer to Him. These are beautiful examples of His presence in my life.

Please take the time in this hectic world to give daily thanks to God by giving Him some of your time. Rick Warren stated it so perfectly in 
The Purpose Driven Life. The best way to spell love is T-I-M-E. Let's make a commitment while we are on this journey to make God feel special and loved by giving ourselves freely to Him and spending more time with Him. We need to be careful not to take God for granted and to give Him the credit that He deserves.

Lord, I pray that you touch my heart and make me more aware of all of the things that you do for me day in and day out that I take for granted, like allowing me to wake up, giving me a home, clean clothes, food, a job, a car, a loving family, and wonderful friends. Make me more grateful for everything and help me to realize how BLESSED I really am. Thank you Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Allison, Great devotional.
    I am glad to know someone else is up at this hour (4:53) enjoying some quiet time with God and a cup of coffee!
    My daughter and I read her story Bible every night and a reoccurring theme is the Israelites forget God and get in a mess. They were in that 90% a lot of the time, the good thing is God still loves us!
    John Kilgore
