Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010, Luke 5

Key Verse:

"Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets for a catch."

(Luke 5:5 NIV)

Central Truth:

God honors obedience, even when He asks us to do something "crazy".


So Simon (Peter) and his buddies have been fishing all night, with no luck. And they aren't just messing around out on the water - they are professionals. And they aren't catching a thing. And here comes Jesus, a carpenter by trade and a teacher by divine appointment. And he tells Simon to let the nets down (again) for a catch.

At this point, I probably would have suggested to Jesus that I (being all-knowledgeable about fishing since it was, in fact, MY boat), know best, and that there is no sense in casting out our nets, just to heave them up empty once again. But unlike me, Simon (Peter) "gets it." So WHY did he do it again? "Because (Jesus) said so"! No second-guessing, no arguing, no personal agenda. Only because Jesus "said so," they threw out their nets again. And what happened next? Fish! Loads and loads of fish! So much it nearly sank their boat! No wonder Simon (Peter), James and John left everything and followed Him!

Reading this passage made me think about a time that I ignored my own instinct, desire, and yes, common sense, and really obeyed God. It was a situation that, should I have acted on my own, I could have completely messed up my life and several others. Instead of doing what Aimee thought Aimee should do, I determined to follow God - to sell myself out completely to what He had in store for me. It took me down a crazy path. I did and said things I never thought I'd ever do or say. They were completely out of my own nature and against what my flesh would have me to do and say. And yet, the peace that fell on me when I would take those baby steps of obedience overwhelmed me and gave me the assurance that I was surely doing what GOD would have me to do because AIMEE would certainly would have done or said none of that! Why did I do it? Because God "said so," and I wanted, and desperately needed, to follow Him.

And the outcome of my situation, just like with the fishermen, was that God completely and totally blessed me. If I hadn't followed Him, if I hadn't relied on Him for every breath and every baby step, if I had allowed my own plan and my own instinct to take over, I would have missed it. I would have missed the tremendous blessings that followed and still flow to this day as a result of decisions I made during that intense period of life-changing obedience.

Yes, Lord, because you SAY SO, I will follow you. It may sound crazy some times, but I know the blessings that follow obedience. Help me to have the wisdom to know what You would have me to do, and give me the strength and courage to do it. 

1 comment:

  1. So good, Aimee! I think it's so true; we are too often just like our children...we want to know why or what if before we simply obey. God calls us to obey. (period) That's it. Simple obedience. We're the ones that complicate it. Thanks for sharing!
