Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 9, 2010, II Corinthians 8

Key Verse:
Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.
(II Corinthians 8:2)

Central Truth:
When life is hardest, we can still have joy and give to others.

In painful times, God can use His body to bring others joy.
This past December, my husband lost his father, Ray Hilliard. We weren’t ready. We thought he was getting better. He seemed too young. We felt too young. It was the hardest thing Lance and I as a couple have gone through yet. It was painful to the core to walk that road, and it affected everything else in our lives.
There were countless days that I would just think about the lady at Walmart that said, “Have a nice day!” and think…."you have NO idea." Normal life routines were not normal. It was heavy and heartbreaking and a total rollercoaster. The hospital was the family’s second home, and our “real” home lost a lot of joy.
Looking back, Christ’s body, His hands and His feet, were continually reaching out to us. Someone would just show up with a fresh baked loaf of bread, a card, send an email, bring a meal. Some helped with housework or with the children. We had nothing to give, but others gave to us still. Simple comments of encouragement and support would come just when we needed it. God laid us on people’s hearts in His perfect timing. We learned a lot about how to minister to others by being ministered to. It was hard to find joy then, but I look back at all of the joy and kindness others brought into our lives. God was loving on us through His people.
This chapter in Corinthians is talking of a congregation that continued to give and have “overflowing joy” in the midst of “the most severe trial.” That’s so hard to do, but it’s not impossible. I believe you absolutely have to grieve when you’re in a hardship, and you may NEVER completely get over the sadness; but you cannot stay there forever. It doesn’t mean you don’t still hurt. It means that you do everything you can to give back to His kingdom, to His purposes. When you’ve been given to, it does well-up inside of you a strong sense to be generous to the next person in need.
Growing up, when I used to get frustrated with people, my mom would always say, “You never know what they’re going through deep inside.” Show them some patience and generosity
So next time you have someone “randomly” on your heart, maybe it’s not so random.
Maybe that’s the Holy Spirit putting one of His people on your mind so that you can minister and pray for them. Send them a text or email, just letting them know you’re praying or thinking of them. You might be the little ray of sunshine God’s counting on to give them a glimpse of His joy.

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