Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010, 1 Corinthians 1

Key Verse:
“He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”
(1 Corinthians 1:8-9)
Central Truth:
When the world is fickle, God is faithful.
Watching our kids teaches me so much about myself. I get excited about what they are excited about. But it’s funny. What they are excited about can change so quickly. They are so influenced by friends, family, TV, and school. They totally have to have a scooter, then a hula-hoop, then a doll that acts real, then a monster truck like the real one, now the Sky Ball, and on and on it goes.
I was thinking though, how fickle our kids, and I, can be. They HAVE to have this certain toy at Walmart or the DS game that everyone is talking about. They love that song on the radio. Then they get the toy or game or hear the song too much and are tired of it. The toy they begged for is broken and on the floor the next month. Fickle. Love it, then tired of it, and then they have a new love.
I’m the same way; aren’t you? I love something and have to have it. If it’s clothes and I get it, I wear it; then after hanging a while in my closet it seems “old.” Maybe for you it’s exercise, diets, TV shows, relationships, cars, jobs, recreation, or even church. You love it, then you get tired of it, and move on or get lazy or unmotivated. Our culture is full of change and media making us think we need the next, new, best thing.
All of this just reminds me that we serve a totally UN-fickle, totally FAITHful God. He doesn’t love us one day, then get tired of us the next. He doesn’t have faith in us, then when we mess up, give up. He doesn’t want to trade us in for the newer, better model! He does not look at you, listen to you over and over, and then turn his back feeling tired of you.
He is faithful. This verse promises He will keep you strong to the end. He has called you into fellowship with Him and never tires of you. He loves you, is there for you, and is faithful to you. I’m so thankful we have a steady Rock to lean on when everything else changes and fades away!

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