Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010, Romans 3

Key Verse:

For all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard.

(Romans 3:23)

Central Truth:

Jesus took the fall for all of our sins.


Christ took OUR punishment on the cross. Have you really ever stopped and thought about that statement? The Bible teaches us we were all born deserving of Hell. Jesus took all the future sins and burdens upon himself for us when He died on the cross. Wow. Why would he do that?

My 6 year-old son once asked, "Why did Jesus do that for us?" I said, "He loves us so much and wants us so much that He did that. Isn't that awesome?" And, he then says, "That's kinda crazy." I agree. I know, personally, I sometimes do stuff not pleasing to God, and I think: "He knew I would do these things, and He still did all that for me?" It's a hard concept to tackle.

Then, here's the even crazier part. When we choose to trust in Jesus and ask him to forgive us of our sins we will be saved. Again, "all have sinned and fallen short of God's standard," but God in His overwhelming grace finds us not guilty when we accept Him. Simple as that. No work, no accomplishment, no check list, and no good deed will ever get you to Heaven. I often hear other people say, "They are good people; I believe they will go to Heaven" or my favorite, "A loving God would not send anyone to hell." God does not send you to Hell, you chose it by rejecting Him.

So, I just keep saying it, "All have sinned and fallen short." But, what a gift we have in Jesus to be made whole. The whole concept of salvation is blown out of proportion by the world. Certainly, it can't be that easy to receive salvation? It is. There is only one God, only one way to Heaven. You have a gift, it is free. You better take it and tell others about this gift as well.

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