Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010, Matthew 23

Key Verse

Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.

(Matthew 23:3)

Central Truth 

Actions speak louder than words.

I've been a banker for about 10 years now, and one of the questions we always get when people come in to sign loan documents is, "Is so much paperwork really necessary?" I talk with bankers of generations past, and they talk of days when someone would come into the bank and borrow money based on a handshake. They would write it down when the person left. They never feared that the person wouldn't repay them. But, if they didn't come with their cash payment, there would be a new cow or goat around the bank. I remember growing up that when my dad or granddad would tell someone they would do something; you could set your watch by it. Good old fashioned integrity.

These days, no matter how much paperwork someone signs, some people will do almost anything to get out of a commitment. They will change their story, come up with an excuse, or just not do anything and leave you hanging. That's when you have paperwork. I am sure that you can imagine what happens when there is no paperwork. Now, I don't want you to think that I am generalizing all people when I write this devotion. There are many people out there that still demonstrate good old fashion integrity. Thank God for them.

I have three children, who soak up everything that I do or say. One of my biggest goals in life is to raise my children knowing what this old fashioned integrity is and to surround myself and my family with others who demonstrate those same qualities. My hope is that, as my children get older, they will know what it means when someone refers to the old saying, "My word is my bond". Jesus called the Pharisees out when speaking to the multitudes and told the people to do what they say but not what they do.

How do your actions speak today? Are you telling your children not to use foul language while using it yourself and surrounding them with others and tv shows that use it constantly? Do you tell your children that smoking kills while you blow smoke out the driver's side window? Are you a person of your word? Can others count on you when you tell them that you will be there?

I hope that you know someone who displays that old fashioned integrity. If not, let me remind you of One who does. Hebrews 13:5 says, "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." This is a promise that God has given us, and I have full confidence that this is one that you can count on. Now you know of One that you can count on. Put your faith and trust in Him and surround yourself with others seeking the same path on the journey.


  1. Great Lesson! and AMEN brother!
    John Kilgore

  2. My Dad is a banker too. Growing up, he often told me, "Daniel, always remember, you need to say what you mean, and mean what you say." I watched him live that out, too. Now that I'm grown, I appreciate the value of "my word" more and more. You're right- if we can appreciate each other's integrity (which is imperfect), how much more should we rely on God's? hmm. something to think about.
