Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010, Acts 14

Key Verse:

“Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”

(Acts 14:17)

Central Truth:

God woos us with His creation to draw us to Him.

A God Who Pursues

I am a rainbow chaser. Anytime there is rain and sunshine you will find me standing in it looking for the rainbow. I have run out of restaurants looking for them. I love their beauty, the vastness and colors, the simple idea that it just pops out from nowhere. Yes, I know that God made a promise to never destroy the earth with a flood and sealed it with a rainbow. But there is something more for me. Every time I see one, my heart is flooded with joy and a knowledge that God places beautiful things in my life to woo me. Yes, I said woo me.

A couple of years ago I was struggling with depression and was feeling really far away from God. I begged him to show me something to let me feel His love and care for me. I asked him over and over for a rainbow. Even though it had rained and others had seen rainbows, I still had not. I felt full of despair. Not long after, I went on a trip to the beach. Every morning I got up early and went for a run. (ok, confession time, this is the only time I have ever gotten up early and gone for a run, I am not a runner). Anyway, after my run I would sit on the beach and talk with God. The third day, I got up and started running. Looking over my left shoulder out into the ocean, I saw it. In the cloudless sky, a beautiful rainbow appeared! But that wasn’t all! The rainbow was over a school of jumping dolphins. God had once again “out done” Himself. My heart flipped! God knew what I needed and how to give it to me, even when I didn’t know myself. 

See, God is actively pursuing you while filling your heart with joy. All those beautiful things in nature are put there for you to appreciate and turn your heart toward a God who loves you and is captivated by you. He didn’t have to make things beautiful. He didn’t have to make strawberries taste so good or flowers smell so sweet. He did these things because He loves you. He wants you to know Him. He wants to fill your heart with joy.

1 comment:

  1. Love your unique observations of the presence of God....which most people do not "see". ; ) The taste of strawberries, the sweetness in the scent of flowers..........inspires one to look for more. ; ) thanks,
