Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010, Acts 13

Key Verse:

I have made you a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to the farthest corners of the earth.

(Acts 13:47)

Central Truth:

Be willing to spread the word.


Isn't' it interesting how, in the Bible, we read stories time and time again about men who sacrifice it all to tell others about Jesus, whether they are getting killed, beheaded or run out of town? Do you ever think, why don't we see this today?

Well, actually, we kinda do see it. Take our leader Jerry or any senior pastor for that matter. I believe they make great sacrifices in today's world to further the kingdom of God. No, generally they don't fear for their lives (it is a different world we live in today, see the First Amendment), but they do give up lots of family time due to the church activities and have less flexibility with their schedules. Those in the ministry also often give up the opportunity to make "corporate money" and have to rely on church givers for their income. This might not be like having your head cut off, but it is a risk all the same.

How about you? How about me? What are we doing? In Acts, Chapter 13, it is all about how Paul and Barnabas are preaching on the island of Cyprus at the Jewish Synagogue. The entire city turned out to hear them preach God's word. Jewish leaders became jealous, slandered Paul, and argued against his teachings. Paul said in verse 46, "It was necessary that this Good News from God be given first to you Jews. But since you have rejected it and judged yourself unworthy of eternal life- well, we will offer it to the Gentiles." Needless to say, the Gentiles were glad and thanked the Lord for his message. The Good News spread throughout the region, and Jewish leaders were so mad that they ran Paul and Barnabas out of town.

So I ask again, what are we doing to further the Kingdom or spread God's word? Jerry made a great point in late March during his sermon. Christ's death and resurrection is an historic event. No one knows about these events unless we are taught or told. If you are a Christ-follower, someone told you about His life and His message; that's the only way you would have known about Him. Aren't you glad that parent, friend, or neighbor took the time to share His story with you? Why then are you reluctant so often to tell someone else?

I know one day, when I see my heavenly Father, I want to be able to say that I told lots of people about him, his love and his mercy - not just through my acts, but also through my words. Paul and Barnabas spent their lives preaching and spreading God's word. Will you do your part?

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