Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010, 2 Peter 3

Key Verse:

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
(2 Peter 3:8-9)

Central Truth:

God is not on our timetable.


Peter wrote this letter to the Christian church not long before his death. Peter is specifically addressing the persecuted Christians of that time. I imagine God seemed slow to these believers as they faced persecution every day. The Christians were tortured, killed and mocked for their beliefs. Their hope and focus was on Christ's return. Peter is telling Christians to not sit around waiting for Christ to return, but to realize that time is short and we have important work to do. We need to be ready to meet Christ at any time, but know that he may not return for many years.

I have zero patience. I was recently telling a friend of mine that, when God was wiring me, He left out the virtue of patience. He laughed and said, “No . . . patience is not granted; it is learned. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations.” WOW. I felt like I was about an inch tall at that moment. While his intentions were not malicious, his point was made. I realized then and there how trivial my problems were and how silly I must look to those around me when I lose my patience.

I wonder if Peter looked at his fellow Christians in the same way. Peter saw the BIG picture. He understood why his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ longed for Jesus’ return. Who wouldn’t have wanted to have been rescued from the environment that Christians were living in those days? At the same time, he realized how unproductive and idle Christians were becoming by sitting around waiting on God. Peter warns Christians to be ready, but continue doing the work God has laid out for them.

Two thousand years later Christians in the USA face different trials and tribulations. With the economic tsunami we have faced and the general erosion of morals in our society, it is easy to long for Jesus’ return today much like they did then. Peter warning is just as relevant today. We should be ready to meet Christ any time, but know that He may not return for years. We have work to do. BE PATIENT. God is not on our timetable.

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