Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010, Galatians 2

Key Verse:

"I am not one of those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die."

(Galatians 2:21)

Central Truth:

We are saved by God's Grace and having faith in Him. There are no works that actually work!!!!!


The key verse is from Paul explaining a concept that has been repeated and repeated in the New Testament and repeated through the first half of 2010 in the Journey. Please go read this chapter. It is short but powerful. Paul is confronting Peter and asking him why he was trying to make the Gentiles follow the Jewish laws of the time since Peter himself had given up the Jewish laws. Paul says, "So we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be accepted by God because of our faith in Christ - and not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be saved by obeying the law" (2:16)

As I sit here, looking forward to July 4th weekend and celebrating our country's freedom with my family, I can't get over how often this concept has already appeared in the first 6 months of the year. It is so clear to me that God, time and time again, explains through His word that works and "doing the right thing" and "being good people" are not what gets us salvation. How many people do you know that truly believe that if they try to live a good life, go to church some, help others, keep their cool, don't drink too much, blah blah blah . . . they will go to heaven?? Some of you reading this right now either possibly think this or certainly know people who do. Well, as Paul so clearly stated, if that was what it took to get to Heaven, God played a bad trick on his son Jesus. There would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Paul goes on to say that "when I tried to keep the law I realized I could never earn God's approval." (v.9) This is just more proof that if salvation was based on works we would all fall short.

When you read this it will be close to Labor Day. We have about 1/3 of the year left. Stop at whatever time you are reading this and think about that neighbor, co-worker or family member who you feel certain believes that "living a good life and doing the right things" is what will allow them to enter Heaven. Now, make a point to talk to them about your relationship with the Lord, what He has done in your life, and how His Word states, right here in Galatians that NO ONE will be saved by keeping the laws. Salvation comes only by accepting and having faith in Jesus. Let's get it done.

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