Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 8, 2010, Acts 24

Key Verse:

For we have found this man a real pest and a fellow who stirs up dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. And he even tried to desecrate the temple; and then we arrested him. And we wanted to judge him according to our own Law.

(Acts 24:5-6)
Central Truth:

Persecution...We have no idea!

The early church experienced persecution . . . the persecution that Jesus spoke of . . . "for His names sake." We don't know or experience persecution for Jesus because we don't proclaim the name of Jesus with boldness and reckless abandonment. We live in a culture that prefers, expects, requires, and demands timidity, safety, and non offensiveness! The early "Christ-followers" and leaders had so much more at stake than we do . . . their lives! They were criticized, austricized, brutalized, tortured, and killed for their faith and radical vocalization of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

I felt a lot of shame when I read this chapter. I am a poor example of what the early Christians demonstrated in their total, fearless allegiance to Jesus and His last commandment to us... "go to every city and even to the ends of the earth and preach My name, God's love and forgiveness!"

Forget the ends of the earth. Are we willing to preach, share, talk about Jesus to our "hell bound" neighbor who lives 100 yards from our safe, comfortable, non aggressive, accepting home?

Our country was once a Christian nation built and blessed on the belief, faith, and obedience of Jesus, His character and His principles. The United States of America is a passive and frightened mass of people without the Christian leadership we once were eager to follow, trust and emuilate!

Who will step up and lead ? Who will be bold ? Who will be fearless ? Who am I?! Who are you?!

Jesus, Please strip and rebuild our passive hearts with unashamed boldness and courage to shout Your name, Your love, Your forgiveness, Your power, Your freedom to a lost and desperate neighborhood, community, city, country, and world!"

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