Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5, Luke 2

Key Verses:

All who heard the shepherd’s story were amazed.
(Luke 2:18).

. . . She (Anna, the prophet) talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.

(Like 2:38)

Central Truth:

Those that met Jesus, told everyone.


When the Shepherds left the manger scene I imagine that they started to head back to their fields. Along the way they were probably recounting the events they had just witnessed. Their excitement - that they had just seen the Messiah first hand - would have been uncontainable. After all, this is the child that God had promised and that all the Jews had been awaiting for generations. As they passed a corner near the edge of town their boisterous excitement would catch the attention of a bystander, and they’d share what had just happened. It would have been like the local team just won the super bowl, but nobody in town knew yet. The excitement is just infectious. They told all the people they passed.

Later when Joseph went to have Jesus blessed, one of the prophets there went nuts about Jesus and began telling everyone that the Messiah had arrived. She told everyone about Jesus. She told everyone. Do you tell everyone? I don’t.

I truly admire my brother-in-law’s, mother. Adella had the sweetest angelic quality that made you smile when you where around her or anytime you thought about her. When you were having a conversation with her, her normal response to most anything positive was, “praise God!” For instance, “yes, Adella, I have the weekend off. So I can join the family for the birthday party.” “Oh good! Praise Jesus!” would be her reply. She said, “God bless you” when most would say, “bless you.” She often told us of how the Lord was blessing her. She injected Jesus into any conversation with anyone at will. She did not do it in a way that made folks uncomfortable. She was just a sweet soft spoken lady that you could tell loved people and loved Jesus.

Now, I love Jesus, and I’m sure most of our readers do too; but have I told everyone? When considering the number of people I know and those I regularly interact with, do they all know the impact Jesus has made on me? I’m not sure I am an “everyone” kinda guy like Anna. I’m not sure I’m an “all” type guy like the shepherds. Am I a “most” kinda guy? “Some”? “Few”? I pray that God will make me into the kinda guy that shares this news with everyone.

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